Posts by Collection


StackOverFlow K-Means Analysis


Implemented a distributed k-means algorithm which clusters posts on the popular question-answer platform StackOverflow according to their score. Moreover, this clustering was executed in parallel for different programming languages, and the results were compared.


Multi-angled Statistical Approach to Human Trafficking Detection and Profiling

Published in Laboratory for Analytical Sciences Conference, 2017

This conference presentation highlights the use of deep learning applied to human trafficking.

Recommended citation: Saanchi, Y, Wang, M., Ahluwalia, S., Laber, E. & Caltagirone, S. (2017, December). Multi-angled Statistical Approach to Human Trafficking Detection and Profiling. Laboratory for Analytical Sciences, Raleigh, NC.

Deep Learning within the Context of Doom

Published in North Carolina State University Symposium, 2019

There are two main approaches to reinforcement learning: value based methods that aim to find an optimal Q-function, and policy based ones that directly look for the optimal policy. However most of reinforcement learning problems (such as learning to play games) have large or even continuous states spaces, which makes constructing Q-values table impossible. Thus, there is a need for approximate reinforcement learning. In this paper the Deep reinforcement learning methods we’ve used to train an agent to play in a Doom environment.

Recommended citation: Ahluwalia, Saran and Laber, Eric. (2019, May). " Deep Learning within the Context of Doom" Unpublished Manucript


Predicting Gentrification in District of Columbia Wards


I was part of a interdisciplinary group - aptly named Gentrifuge - tasked with creating a solution during a three month sprint with the Department of Commerce and Small Business Administration. The problem was framed as such:

Enabling Search Using bi-LSTMs


Within large enterprises, disparate unstructured data sources contain valuable information that needs to be unified with other instrumentation in order to fulfill business objectives. In this talk, we present a deep learning implementation, using bidirectional - LSTMs that enabled Cisco S&TO to enable search for forensic evidence evaluation and unification. Our solution enabled Cisco to streamline processes for service request triaging - reducing time to address customer requests.


Capital Teaching Resident

Secondary Education, E.L Haynes Public Charter High School, 2012

Member of Selective (Acceptance Rate: 8%) Capital Teaching Residency Program (Partnership between The New Teacher Project (TNTP) and the KIPP Foundation’ KIPP DC Network)

AP Biology Teacher

High School, E.L Haynes Public Charter High School, 2013

Independently created science department for 11th grade in novel high school (at the time, its third year of existence), providing service to 250 students spanning grades 10 and 11. Utilizing CRM - based software, Google Analytics and Excel collaborated with and informed administration, utilizing quantitative and qualitative data, in order to streamline school graduation pathways and drive data-driven interventions for at-risk students (students who possessed greatest achievement gaps in literacy and numeracy)

Upper School Educational Technologist

High School, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, 2013

Under the guidance of the Director of Technology spearheading entrepreneurial Robotics and Web - Development program in the Upper School, leveraging 3-D printing technologies and in-house professional development curriculum for Upper School Faculty that utilizes Google Applications, Web 2.0 applications and peripheral hardware