AP Biology Teacher

High School, E.L Haynes Public Charter High School, 2013

Independently created science department for 11th grade in novel high school (at the time, its third year of existence), providing service to 250 students spanning grades 10 and 11. Utilizing CRM - based software, Google Analytics and Excel collaborated with and informed administration, utilizing quantitative and qualitative data, in order to streamline school graduation pathways and drive data-driven interventions for at-risk students (students who possessed greatest achievement gaps in literacy and numeracy)

• Researched and wrote comprehensive curriculum map; designed, and implemented Inquiry-Based, experimental design protocols for laboratory practicums - aligned to new AP Biology standards and Learning Objectives

• Conceptualized self-paced, and “blended learning model” that leveraged Carnegie Mellon Open Courseware in order to streamline assessment, student-centered feedback, and, ultimately, drive instructional priorities that targeted conceptual and procedural areas of growth

• Provided problem solving and coaching to core cohort of 68 multicultural students and families to facilitate effective prosocial and emotional development while simultaneously ensuring high-quality instructional delivery

• Directed and lead professional development workshops on guided inquiry learning and science literacy within the biomedical sciences through the Carnegie Institute for Science and National Energy Education Initiative Project (NEED)

• Liaised with researchers of the NIH, Georgetown Center for Bioethics, George Washington Medical Center in order to integrate workshops, translational research methodologies and practicums for students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the research and medical fields